Friday, May 19, 2017

Updated Inventor Presentation Environment

I may be a little late with this news, but this is a topic that I felt deserved an entry into the blog.  In Inventor 2017, Autodesk redesigned the Presentation Environment, or in other words IPN files  I guess, this would be news for those of you that skipped 2017, and just installed 2018.

For any of you that have used Inventor Publisher, which was retired after the 2016 release,  the redesign probably feels similar to Inventor Publisher workflow.  Autodesk decided to move Inventor Publisher functions into Inventor.  Now, the new IPN files do not replicate everything that Inventor Publisher did, however, the Timeline and Snapshot views are very similar.

Personally, I like the new Timeline workflow.  It is already more inline with the Inventor Studio timeline than the old presentation files.  I feel that it is easier to see the order of operations and easier to edit than the old way.  One function that I use now, more than in the old method, is Capturing the Camera, or previously Precise View Rotate.  It is so easy to reorient the model, and click Capture Camera.  Also, the fact that it creates a Timeline element for the camera rotation makes it easy to edit the movement and time it right in the animation.

I had to create a few IPN files to fully understand the new workflow, but now I love it.  However, I will say that it took me almost a year to find one setting that was bugging me.  Under the old method, users would pull the model apart and the animation would show the assembly of the model.  In the new environment, after the tweaks are made,  the animation shows the model being pulled apart.  Then a few months ago, when I was publishing a video, I noticed an option that would allow you to record the animation in reverse (see image).  Thus, giving me an animation in-tune with the old method.

For those of you that may not have seen the new Presentation Environment in action, or are still struggling to understand how it works, here is a video that shows the new animation and snapshot workflows.

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